String Armonica - Tuning and Voicing

Below is a video showing the process of both tuning and voicing the String Armonica. There is also a transcript posted below the video as well as a link to the manual

Approximate Tuning 

Fundamental Pitch References: Starting on Middle C

  • String 1 (C) (Lowest) - 261.63 Hz
  • String 2 (C#) - 277.18 Hz
  • String 3 (D) - 293.66 Hz
  • String 4 (D#) - 311.13 Hz
  • String 5 (E) - 329.63 Hz
  • String 6 (F) - 349.23 Hz
  • String 7 (F#) - 369.99 Hz
  • String 8 (G) - 392.00 Hz
  • String 9 (G#) - 415.3 Hz
  • String 10 (A) - 440.00 Hz
  • String 11 (A#) - 466.16 Hz
  • String 12 (B) (Highest) - 493.88 Hz


Here’s a step by step process on how to tune and voice your String Armonica

When you receive your instrument, all of the strings will be detuned. We do this to prevent any snapping from tension during shipping.

Begin by using a tuner, to bring each string up to standard pitch

I prefer to start with the low C (Middle C - 261.63 hz) , and work my way up to the high B

You can either use a tuner and lightly pluck each string, or you can hold a note on a keyboard and tune the string higher until it resonates. 

Be careful not to over tighten, or else the string will break.

Now that all of the strings are tuned to concert pitch, you can test them out by playing the keyboard

You’ll notice that the low notes resonate, but the high notes are quiet.

In order to correctly voice it, so that the volume between octaves is relatively even, we need to slowly detune each string until the high octaves resonate.

Start with the C string, and very slowly detune it while holding the highest C note on your controller

Tuning the string flat will raise the volume of the higher octaves, while tuning it sharp will increase the volume of the lower octaves

Detune very gradually, because it can take a moment for the resonance to react to the change. There’s about a one second delay for this reaction

Here you can see I tuned the string a little too flat, so I need to go back to the lowest octave and tune it sharper

Typically, I like to cycle between the various octaves and listen to the volume difference between them. If any notes are too loud or quiet, then I’ll make adjustments

The strings shouldn’t be detuned so much so that the fundamental octave is out of tune. If it is too detuned, the fundamental will make a beating sound and be dissonant.

You’ll find that there’s a very fine range between being voiced correctly and being out of tune.

The initial tuning once you receive your instrument will take a lot longer than it normally will once you first receive your instrument.

You may need to make adjustments before you sit down for a new session, but it should hold its tune pretty well.

If a string is too loud or quiet, you can adjust its position at the bridge. If its too quiet, make sure the string is directly over the transducers. If its too loud, position it away from the transducer.

Some users may find that they want to optimize the volume of the middle octave. In this case, you will use this process to tune specifically for that.

Please contact us if you have any issues or need assistance with your instrument.